Sunday, September 12, 2010

July Fun

07/08/10 Calla has mastered climbing up the ladder and sliding by herself. She loves to slide. The big slides at the park are still a little too intimidating for her, but this one in our back yard is just her size. (Thank you grandmommy and granddaddy!)

July Fourth we had a cookout and had my family over. My granddad and his friend Esther were in town to visit. We had so much fun and it was great to get to visit with them.

07*08*10 So this is what our kitchen looks like most of the time. The twins live in out cabinets like half the day. Our laundry room, is now full of all of the things that used to have a home in our bottom cabinets. I am glad its a big laundry room! They of course figured out the child proof locks and now use them as handles from the inside. You can see Carter grabbing for it.

Uncle Aaron, Cousin Cade, and Cedar all sporting their American spirit for the fourth.

07*04*10 The twins did not like the sounds of the fireworks, so they were in bed. Cedar started out with us but it was really past his bedtime as well. I was afraid it would be too loud for his little ears anyway.

Our friends the LeClerc's also came over on the fourth. This is their daughter Hannah. She kept hugging Carter. It was soooo cute. He looked a little afraid most of the time and of course this is not a great picture of it but it was too funny.

07*02*10 Granddad and some of his great grandchildren, Cade, Cedar, and Carter. We had so much fun with him. We wished he lived closer!

Cedar and his great granddad.

Calla has to try to figure out how everything works. Here she is trying to tie or hook the highchair straps. She still sticks her tongue out when she is really concentrating on something, its so cute.

We went to fun city with my family and our friend Michelle and her daughter Hannah. Calla had a lot of fun climbing up these stairs.

I love this picture. Hannah must drive like her mother, see her face. This is their first date picture. Too cute!

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