Sunday, September 12, 2010

The Coast 2010

We go to the coast in Texas, Port Aransas, every year with the entire Bowling family. We went last year so we knew a little of what we were getting into with taking the babies, but of course this year we added a baby, so the car was a little more packed this time. All of the work was worth it. We had a great time and it was so good to all be together. It is too rare that the whole family it together! Now if we could just get Jamey's oldest sister, Secret, and her boys to join us then we would be complete! Here are some of my favorite pictures. Thanks so much to grandmommy and granddaddy for letting us borrow your camera and to Bo and Amanda for sending us copies of their, since we left our camera on the dining room table at home, along with all the baby food and snacks. Thank goodness for walmart!

07/17/10 Calla and her only girl cousin, Lilly. Aunt Amanda made these dresses for the girls. They are so adorable. She also made the same dresses for their dollies. Too cute!

Cedar, Mommy, Daddy, and Calla in the swimming pool at the condos where we stay. The pool is heated, not that they need it in Texas in July, so the kids enjoy it like the bath.

Carter and Calla had so much fun playing with their uncles, and daddy in the pool. Last year they were still very quite and timid in the pool. This year they really got into playing in the water.

Cedar swims, or drives his car around the pool.

07*17-10 Calla, daddy, Granddaddy and Carter on the beach preparing for the "Cousins" picture.

And here is the Cousins picture, or my favorite out of the MANY that were taken. Now of course getting all 6 of them to look our way and to look happy was going to be an impossible mission and we knew that going into it. I really like this one and many of them turned out better than I expected. This will be the one framed in our house if I ever get around to printing pictures (may be 2015 :-) ). So we have Carter, Tommy holding Cedar, Joey holding Lilly, and Calla. They are Jamey's brother Bo's children. It was really fun to see them all together.


I actually really like this one too but Cedar is not looking.

I just think this one is funny! Carter is crying, Cedar and Lilly are more interested in each other, Joey is playing with the sand, and Calla looks mad that Lilly's foot is too close to her. But hey, Tommy was smiling!

Carter and daddy in the ocean. He was hesitant at first, but warmed up to it OK.
Uncle Mitch got Calla to go out into the water and she really liked it once she got there. She even got to the point that she would walk out into it herself.

Cedars first dip in the ocean.


Playing at the biggest sand box they have ever seen. She was really concentrating on trying to get the sand where she wanted it, she the tongue sticking out.



Grandmommy and Cedar.

Carter and his beloved blanket, playing with the baby monitor. He love electronics!

Thank you Grandmommy and Granddaddy for the amazing trip! We all had a blast! Thanks to the Aunts and Uncles that helped us out with the fact that we really needed more hands to get around with three babies! Everyone was so helpful!

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