Sunday, September 26, 2010

August - First Half

So, can you tell which one is Cedar and which one is Carter??? They look so much alike it is crazy. Soon they will be mistaken for twins!


08-14-10 This is what happens if I turn my head for a split second. And yes he is trying to pull her back out of the way. Oh my!

08-14-10 Cedar love those feet!

08-14-10 They are still trying to wake up from a nap. I have to take advantage of the rare times that they are side by side and not picking on each other to get a photo!

08-13-10 Carter loves the big boy slide. Calla would not go near it. We had a great day at the park with maw-maw.

08-13-10 On our way to the park with cousin Cade. They really love him and want to do everything that he does.

08-13-10 Cedar

08-13-10 Carter

08-13-10 Calla

08-11-10 So with the permission of the speech therapist Cedar gets to eat his stage ones. This was his first sweet potato experience. He loves to eat (hence the fat rolls). He is on stage twos now and doing just fine. I know he could advance but I am going a little slower due to his aspiration risk. I am actually terrified to feed him anything but pureed food. So when he is 10 years old please don't make fun of him when he has to have his food pureed by his mommy! :-)

08-09-10 Carter does love the water. He has an obsession with the water hose. He has to be the one holding it or know where it is at all times. It certainly can not be in the hands of his sister. That is not allowed. He is the king of the tree watering. This of course means that he also waters himself and his sister who doesn't have the same appreciation.

08-05-10 Cedar does love to play. The twins keep him entertained most of the time! They are always bringing him toys. It is impossible for me to keep the germs away, I guess I have to give up. They are forever taking his paci and sticking it in their mouths and then back in his when they see me coming for it. Gross!

08-05-10 Love this little face!

08-02-10 I think my cabinets must be the equivalent of older children's tree houses.

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