02/04/12 Love my boys in my blanket. We have a bedtime routine of bath, milk, and a short show. They like to snuggle in my blankets on the couch.

02/04/12 Mmmmm milk.

02/07/12 Decorating our valentine's mail boxes. Calla had a bump on her head that she insisted needed a "bandick" as she calls them. She really got into the decorating thing. Carter's ended up empty because he decorated it then pulled them all off.

02/07/12 Cedar wanted to stick them to the table.

02/11/12 Cedar even sleeps on a Thomas pillow pet. He is so funny. Sweet boy!

02/12/12 We had our closest friends over for Cedar's birthday party and it was really great. I am shocked at where the last two years have gone. It literally feels like yesterday that we got the shock of his pending arrival. Our lives would never be the same without him!

02/12/12 Blake Meesey at Cedar's party.

02/12/12 Opening gifts. Thanks to everyone for their generosity and for sharing this day with us.

02/12/12 CAKE!

02/12/12 Totally forgot to take a picture of the cake prior to it getting cut, oops! Thomas the train of course.

02/12/12 Bryan Meesey, Brad Hedrick (who we really never get to see anymore, so it was extra special), Jenny Meesey, and Amanda Hedrick.

02/12/12 Blake and Cedar.

02/12/12 Happy Birthday Baby Cedar!! We love you so much!!

02/12/12 It almost brought tears to my eyes to look at my dining room table filled with all of these amazing little people in our lives. I promise 10 years ago I did not picture this as our future, but hoped for it at the same time. I love that my kids are growing up with my best friends kids. We are all very blessed. This is Cedar, Hayden Meesey, Calla, Carter, and Emily Hedrick.

02/12/12 Calla, Carter, Emily and Logan Hedrick.

02/12/12 Birthday boy eating his pizza.

02/12/12 Calla and Carter eating pizza.



02/13/12 I love looking at pictures of them together. They really don't look alike at all but to see them beside each other I see those identical noses.

02/13/12 The one and only day that it snowed this winter our friend Hannah LeClerc came over to play. So much fun!



02/21/12 Chillin'

02/18/12 "Come here car, it's potty time!" said Carter as I took this picture.

02/18/12 All of the kids got wheels from my mom for Cedars Birthday. They love them. Thanks maw-maw!



02/19/12 I love this pic. This is Cedar getting his birthday wishes from grandmommy and granddaddy.

02/19/12 We had a birthday celebration for Cedar, cousins Cade, and Austin. Each of their birthdays are two days apart. The very colorful cake was a hit!

02/19/12 Handsome cousin Austin, so grown up.


02/19/12 I so wish this was clear! I love cedars face as he is tasting his broccoli.


02/13/12 I wish I had the end result of this to show you. When he got to the end he slid about 4 feet due to the snow. He had a blast.



02/19/12 All three got gifts from maw-maw for cedars birthday, including money to put in their banks. They love to save money. (for now)


02/19/12 Happy Birthday cousin Austin.

02/19/12 Happy Birthday cousin Cade!
02/17/12 Cedar and his train obsession had a great time as I tried to put their cars together. "All Aboard!"
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