3*31*11 At the end of March Calla figured out that she could crawl out of her crib. I really wanted to keep them in there as long as possible. The end had come. She could get out safely, however, Carter fell out trying and hurt himself. So HELLO freedom it was. We converted their cribs to toddler beds. Cedar thought it was very cool. He wanted to crawl all over them. He, at this time, was still unsure that difference levels existed so he would try to walk right off. He required constant supervision at this stage.
3*31*11 We had a talk and mutually decided that this was a better place to drink his milk before bed.
3*31*11 My boys!
3*28*11 This is what happens when Carter gets into his closet. The clothes of course ended up in the floor. But hey the hangers were hanging nice and neat on his crib. The bad thing is what he did next..... After he got them all line up and pretty he ran his hand roughly all along the edge of them and broke them ALL! The look on his face was priceless, like I can not believe I just did that!
3*23*11 For Cedars birthday Grandaddy and Grandmommy bought materials for Jamey to build the kids a sandbox. We of course had to play in it even as it was being filled with sand. The day we did it was a little chilly so they were all bundled up to play! I love these up close shots of cede (what we call him most of the time).
3*23*11 Showing off his only two teeth with a sweet smile. (Still!)
3*23*11 Sand box play. Thanks again Granddaddy and Grandmommy!
3*25*11 So Carter has been to a physical therapist about his legs. He has knock knee and pigeon toe. He criss crosses his legs when he runs and is really weak in the legs. Oh and has tibial torsion from being a twin and having little room before he was born. These straps and kinesiotape was what was recommended. These straps worked great to give him proper alignment however he HATED them! So we went with the tape most of the time. He has since (last month) been to a pediatric orthopedic who told us that it would get worse before it gets better but not to worry that he will either grow out of it or learn to adapt. So we wait....
3*23*11 Calla
3*23*11 Carter who refuses to look at the camera most of the time. He was concentrating very hard on pouring his sand from the scoop into his little container.
3*22*11 Play time
08*14*10 This is the twins when they were 1yr 7.5 mths old. This was the first time that they figured out how to climb on the TV table. And just to show how much quicker Cedar is doing everything see below....
1 yr 1 mth 3*22*11 Here he is already on the TV table. And of course I made sure I was close while taking these pictures so that no one was hurt! Great mom, I know!
3*20*2011 I have to take a picture when they are playing nice together. It does happen often but for very short time periods! It was side walk chalk time.
3*20*11 I cant believe how big he is. This is one day over 13 months old.
3*19*11 "13 months old and I just got the child proof thingy off of the TV table!" No of course he didn't say that but his face sure did.
This is hokey pokey elmo. Cedar loved him for a short time. Cedar really loves anything that he can hug. Unlike Carter and Calla he is a hugger. It is so sweet. He will just throw his little arms around your neck and squeeze so tight.
3*18*11 My mom (maw-maw) brought over this really old and really kinda creepy baby doll for Calla. She took care of it as her baby for several days. Here she was sitting it up and lying it down to make it go to sleep. She would feed it and it wears a diaper. From a distance though it looks real and still creeps me out.
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