Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Yes, Still March

3-24 Cedar getting burped by daddy. How quickly we forget what its like to have a baby to burp... He is a good burper and spits up what I believe to be a normal amount.


3-21 This is a picture out our from window when it snowed spring break. It would be spring break without 10 inches of snow in Fayetteville. Luckily it was gone and warm again in no time at all.

3-20- Hannah came to play. It is already pretty clear that she is very interested in Carter. She beats up on him, which is great, since he is always beating up on Calla. He likes to touch her pig tails. It is so fun having such good friends across the street and to have our children be the same age, we could not ask for better!

3-20 You see who has the toys right.... Calla would never get away with that! Way to go Hannah, show him who's boss! Now if Hannah could show Calla how to stick up to that sometimes not nice brother we would all be in good shape. However I am glad to know that he is only a bully to his sister and not all children. :-)

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