Monday, June 15, 2009

Hello all followers! This is a random collection of pictures in attempt to update this blog. We have been busy the past few weeks. Here are some highlights!

Calla sitting in her highchair! She seems to like it for short periods of time. Thanks Aunt Peggy, Cousins Tracy and Terry for the great highchairs! She likes to suck on a spoon and seems to be ready to start solids soon. I can't believe that just 5 months ago she had trouble eating. You would never know it now!

Look at her hair! WHY is it getting so light? I really wanted her to keep her dark hair! It is not quite as light as this picture portrays but it is definitely getting lighter!

Carter and Calla's granddad (Hilary's dad) stopped by to say hello. He brought his wife MaryAnn and they got a chance to catch up with the babies. We had a good time.

Calla LOVES her feet. She found them a couple of weeks ago and hasnt let them go since. Very cheap entertainment for sure!

Great granddad loves Carter and Calla and the feeling is mutual! They played the entire time we were there to visit and had so much fun.

I love how they sometimes really show their TWIN sides. They fell asleep at seperate times at great granddads house but when they were put on the couch they assumed the exact same position. So sweet!

They really like to be where the action is. This is in great granddad's kitchen watching us make dinner. As you can see Calla sits really well and will be sitting unsupported soon. Carter is really taking his time and just enjoying the luxury of being held and snuggled.

Calla is rolling over! She rolls from back to front and has been for a couple of weeks. She has only rolled back over once but mostly rolls over and them screams for help, over and over again. She loves it and is very proud of herself.

Wow we have a lot of cousins! It is so fun. This is cousins cade, kaitlyn, and reed.

Bath time is still a favorite with both babies. Calla has been a splashing fool for a while now. Buggie (Carter) has now discovered the art also. It is so much fun to see their little faces light up when the water goes in the air. Some of our best smiles are in the tub.

"Now what do we do?" :-)

1 comment:

  1. What great pictures! There is no doubting that Carter is a Bowling, that's for sure!
