Carter has to go over and check out this outlet almost every time we are out there. Maybe an electrical future?
4*29 Calla enjoys walking around the yard and exploring everything she can touch. Her favorite might be a sliding door that daddy has on the side of his big grill.
4*26 Our little pea, Cedar.
4*26 Carter
Calla in the tent that now sits in our living room. Who knew these little ones would take over our house? I guess that is just one of those things that you get used to. Its hard to really remember what our home looked like when there were no toys. When we first got this tent Carter would not go in it because the floor crinkled and made noise when you walked on it. It must have scared him. We had to put a quilt on the floor so that he would enjoy it. Now they both love it and being the boy that he is he tries to take it apart.
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