Cedar is now four months old! He went to the Dr last week, June 24Th, for his four month check up and he is of course, Perfect! He has a little reflux, but I am convinced that ALL babies do. Other than that he is in perfect health and we are so pleased! He has hit all of his milestones at this point, he just has to learn to roll over. I think it might be a while because he really likes to just lay on his side and watch what is going on around him. The twins provide him with constant entertainment. They both recently have decided that they love him and love to kiss and hug him. It is too cute! Here is the newest stats.
Wt 15lb 13.5oz (66%)
Ht 24.1 inches (17%) Sorry cedar I guess you got my height issue!
Head 43cm and we get to blame the Bowling's for that! :-)
Now in writing this I realize that I never put in the twins stats from their last appointment as well. They went in May on the 28Th at 17 months of age.
Carter James
Wt 26lb 10oz (67%)
Ht 31.5 inches (38%)
Head 50 cm
He is doing great! He has allergies to foods so the Dr sent us to the allergy Dr. We also went last week. We really liked her, Dr. Campbell in Rogers. She is great and Carter flirted with her. He does like the ladies! I do however think it was a waste of money, they just confirmed what we already knew that he is allergies to peanuts and we thought he was allergic to corn but that test did not react so who knows what it really is. They did some blood work, maybe that will tell us more. But for sure, no one, feed the kid peanuts!
Calla Elizabeth
Wt 20 lb (4%)
Ht 30 inches (16%)
Head 48 cm
Calla is in perfect health. The Dr thinks she is too little and that we need to increase her calories. But what he doesn't seem to understand is that she eats very well and has lots of energy. He wanted us to give her pediasure once a day instead of her milk but when I did that she hated it and stopped drinking her milk too because she thought it was that yucky sweet stuff. SOOO I am not going to listen to the dr. I am going to listen to my mommy instincts that she is just fine. As long as she eats good and has energy I am not going to worry about her!