Monday, May 10, 2010

4-1-10- Cedar and his special friend the sock monkey. Other than the secret mommy smiles he gave, the sock monkey might have gotten the first real smiles.
3-31-10- Loving his stretch out time. He only gets to do this out in the open when the twins are asleep. Otherwise it might be two big kids stretched out on top of him giggling. Dog pile on Cedar.

He is so good at holding up his head. He is still on occasion floppy but doing so well! I cant believe how big he is getting!

3-31-10 We can mark this as Carter's first major boo-boo. It doesn't matter that I have been a nurse for 5 years now and seen much much worse. When I saw this knot on his head, everything that I know went out the door. I was ready to call 911! My baby's head was going to explode. He was sitting in his rocker where he sits every night to drink his milk before bed. He leaned forward and hit his head on the corner of the drawer under the crib. Anyone reading this who is looking to buy a crib (don't get one with a drawer, way more trouble than it is worth for storage), I think that I have said that before but look at his head! I mean it! Anyway of course he was fine and more interested in sucking on the teether that I tried to use as an ice pack. He even smiled a little for the camera. I did keep him up a while to keep an eye on him.

4-5-10 This video is too funny! The twins had just eaten breakfast and were still in their jammies. I was cleaning up and heard the laughter. I was sneaky and got this video without them knowing it so sorry the highchair is in the way for part of it. They love to play peek a boo, with anyone and everyone! Hope you also get a laugh!

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