Monday, February 22, 2010

Cedar Brett Bowling

He is here! Cedar Brett Bowling, 6lb 14 oz, and perfect! About 2 to 3 weeks ago my blood pressure started to rise. We kept a close eye on it due to the fact that I had preeclampsia with the twin pregnancy and got very sick very quick. This time it was a slow but steady rise but no preeclampsia, just pregnancy induced hypertension. Due to this my Dr decided bed rest and then to deliver a week early. So on Friday we had a scheduled c-section, which was sooooo much better than the last one. The spinal block worked and worked well! I did not feel anything and I also did not puke the entire time. Jamey got to sit by my head and hold my hand and it was all just so perfect. He cried like a real full term (or close) baby should cry and it was amazing. I got to see him right after he was born. He was back in our room 2 hours later, at the most, and it was great. It is amazing that I have two children and this was as if it were the first time. Sat was not as great due to my blood pressure still being a huge problem, they had to put me on my least favorite medication, mag sulfate. I will say that it is not near as bad post partum, the dose is lower so the side effects aren't as bad. We are at home now, blood pressure is still an issue and I feel very sick a lot of the time. Cedar is amazing and doing very well! If you are reading this and want to visit us, please call first to see how things are going, it has been a challenge so far. It appears as though bringing home a new baby brother and Mommy that cant hold you is like taking all the good out of the world to 13 month olds. They are a little better today and having fun with daddy. Cedar and I are staying out of sight, out of mind. We all just need a little adjustment and healing. Will get more pics up as soon as feeling better. He has already changed so much since this picture was taken on his birthday. Thanks to all for the prayers and well wishes! We are blessed in so many ways!


  1. YEAH! I am so happy for you!! I am glad this birth was more of what we dreamed of... actually holding the baby & not having it whisked away!! Please know I think about you all the time. Praying this C-section recovery is speedy & that your family has time to adjust. How about I drop off dinner Wednesday night??

  2. Yippee, number three has arrived. Congratulations! I am so happy that this delivery was a bit easier. Keeping you in my prayers. Write when you can.
