3/8- The twins love windows. We open the one in their room when it is nice outside and they love to watch the world outside. Whenever they see people or animals it is a fun treat. Carter likes to talk to them. We get some waves from walkers, too cute. The hat on Calla's head was an attempt to stop Carter from pulling her hair. This has become his new favorite pass time. He is very jealous of the baby and his attention seeking is mostly at Calla's expense. This hat did work that day, then she decided it was more fun to pull it off every time it was put on.
3/6 - Our good friend Judy came over for a huge favor! Carter has only had one haircut and it really did go OK, but with a tiny baby now, it would be super hard to take him anywhere to get it done. So Judy came over and cut his hair. She gave him something to play with and he did very well. He is sitting on the dining room table. We needed to use if for something right?
3/6 - While Carter and Calla got their hair cuts, Holly had some one on one Cedar time. He must like her, not a peep out of him.
And then.......
3/6 - She changed her mind.
On Feb 23rd the twins went in for their twelve month shots (we are a little behind). Cedar was also back that day to check his weight since he lost so much to begin with. He got down to 6lb 5oz if I remember right. I never got around to posting their stats.
Weight 25lb 2.5oz
Height 29.5 inches
Weight 18lb 9.5oz
Height 28.25 inches
Weight 6lb 15oz
Height 19.5 inches